Fix K2 blackpearl MSMQ integration issue
If you encounter the error on A workgroup installation computer does not support the operation on your K2 blackpearl Server service, it probably means that you installed MSMQ without a domain previously and now you are trying to get it running in a domain environment. If yes, here’s how to resolve the K2 blackpearl MSMQ integration issue.

K2 blackpearl MSMQ integration issue
Solution 1: Use a Private Queue
If it is going to be a hassle trying to get your Server Admin Team to fix the issue, you can always switch K2 blackpearl to run on Private Queue. The full solution is right over at, so I’m not going to run through that.
Solution 2: K2 blackpearl MSMQ integration issue by re-adding MSMQ
To fix the problem on the AD level, you will need to remove and add the MSMQ component from the Server Manager. For some scenarios, it will just do the trick, but in other scenarios, like mine, the Windows Server will just keep re-adding the component in Workgroup mode. Here’s how I resolve my problem:
1. Remove MSMQ
To remove, you can do it via the Server Manager GUI, or just execute the following PowerShell command with Administrator rights.
Remove-WindowsFeature MSMQ

As what the output mentioned, restart your Server now.
2. Ensure Network Service rights on the Domain Controller
- Start the Active Directory Users and Computer console.
- In the menu, enable View > Users, Contracts, Groups, and Computers as containers and View > Advanced Features.
- On the left of the console, find the domain controller node.
Domain Controller Node - Right-click on the domain controller node and select Properties.
- Go to the Security tab and add Network Service to the list, if it is not already in it. Grant the account Full Control. Click Apply to close commit the change.
Add Network Service Rights
3. Add MSMQ
Make sure you are logged on with a domain account that has Administrator rights on the server and add MSMQ with Directory Service Integration feature via Server Manager GUI. You can also execute the following PowerShell script with administrator rights.
Add-WindowsFeature MSMQ-Directory

4. Verify and Test
Now, check your Event Viewer to verify that MSMQ started with directory integration successfully. You should see the following in your viewer.

Lastly, start your K2 blackpearl Server service in console mode and look out for the line “Info 7010 MSMQ Thread Listing”. If you see it, it means the host server started with MSMQ successfully!!

Have Fun!
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