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Month: May 2017

Multiple records inserted with RuntimeListViewRowCount option

Multiple records inserted with RuntimeListViewRowCount option

Last week, I helped a developer troubleshoot a weird issue where multiple records inserted with RuntimeListViewRowCount option. In case you are wonder what is RuntimeListViewRowCount, it is a web.config setting that enables all List Views in K2 smartforms to return and display the total row counts. It is disabled by default, due to past performance issues and you can read more of this setting here. In this article, I will be showing you the scenario that will cause the issue…

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Friendly Error Message on K2 smartforms

Friendly Error Message on K2 smartforms

Two years ago, I’ve posted an article on Providing a friendly error message for your K2 error on CodeCodeCode.Ninja. At that time, the version of K2 should be around 4.6.8 to 4.6.9 and the rules configuration in the article works perfectly to intercept a common error like the “Worklist item could not be opened”. Recently, I tested the same rule configuration under K2 4.6.10 and above and found that the method does not work anymore and I will like to show you a…

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